


1、两人英语对话带翻译篇1 Bo-Bo:Is Li-Li at home?莉莉在家吗?Li-Li:Yes,come in please.Im expecting you.在家,请进。我在等你呢。Bo-Bo:Lets do our homework together. 我们一起做功课吧。

2、两人英语情景对话一 A:How I wish that my son Mark could he as excellentas your Joe!A:真希望我儿子马克能像你们家乔那么棒。

3、两人英语对话小短文1 Jeff:Life without the Internet is just too hard to imagine.没有因特网的生活简直不可想象。

4、两人英语情景对话短文带翻译一 拜访 对话 Stevens neighbour Jack comes to visit him,史蒂文的邻居杰克来史蒂文家串门。


1、关于两人英语对话短文篇一 Divorce Gary:Kate, youll never believe whats happened!Kate:What do you mean?Gary:Marcia and Harold are getting divorced。

2、两人简单英语情景对话1:Mary:Long time no see.好久不见。Edward:Yeah! Its great running into you again.是啊,又遇到你了,真高兴。

3、两人简单的英语对话短文1 A:Im starving to death. What about you?我饿死了。你呢?B:Yeah, Im starving too! Where do you want to have dinner?我也是,我快饿死了。

4、两人英语口语对话范文一 A:Mister, I have an account now.A:先生,我现在有户头了。



杨: I heard that you bought an apartment, is that true?我听说你买了套公寓,是真的吗?李: Yes, my girlfriend threatened not to marry me without an apartment.是的,我女朋友扬言说没有房子就不嫁给我。

关于两人英语对话短文篇一 Divorce Gary:Kate, youll never believe whats happened!Kate:What do you mean?Gary:Marcia and Harold are getting divorced。

两人英语对话小短文1 Jeff:Life without the Internet is just too hard to imagine.没有因特网的生活简直不可想象。

两人英语情景对话短文带翻译一 拜访 对话 Stevens neighbour Jack comes to visit him,史蒂文的邻居杰克来史蒂文家串门。

大学两人英语对话短文1 Serenity:Hi, waiter. Can you come over here?嗨,服务员。


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