


两人英语对话范文1 Jaco: Hi, I am Jaco McGuire. You must be Mr. Simpson. I’m here to pick up your girl Jessica.你好。我是杰克麦奎尔。您肯定是辛普森先生。我是来接您女儿杰西卡的。

两人英语对话带翻译篇1 Bo-Bo:Is Li-Li at home?莉莉在家吗?Li-Li:Yes,come in please.Im expecting you.在家,请进。我在等你呢。Bo-Bo:Lets do our homework together. 我们一起做功课吧。

First woman:Absolutely not! He can wash himself.第一个妇女:他绝不用我洗,他自己会洗。

两人英语情景对话一 A:How I wish that my son Mark could he as excellentas your Joe!A:真希望我儿子马克能像你们家乔那么棒。



1、两人英语情景对话一 A:How I wish that my son Mark could he as excellentas your Joe!A:真希望我儿子马克能像你们家乔那么棒。

2、两人英语对话范文1 Jaco: Hi, I am Jaco McGuire. You must be Mr. Simpson. I’m here to pick up your girl Jessica.你好。我是杰克麦奎尔。您肯定是辛普森先生。我是来接您女儿杰西卡的。

3、二人英语情景对话1 A:Im fed up with marriage.A:我对婚姻压倦透了。B:Why do you say so? Everyone admires that youhave a good wife.B:为什么?每个人都羡慕你有一个好妻子。


两人英语对话短文1 A: Dogs are very clever.狗很聪明。B: Yes,its said that the average IQ of dogs is as high as two-year old children.是的,据说狗的平均智商跟2岁的儿童一样高。

两人简单英语情景对话1:Mary:Long time no see.好久不见。Edward:Yeah! Its great running into you again.是啊,又遇到你了,真高兴。

两人英语对话小短文1 Jeff:Life without the Internet is just too hard to imagine.没有因特网的生活简直不可想象。


1、两人英语情景对话一 A:How I wish that my son Mark could he as excellentas your Joe!A:真希望我儿子马克能像你们家乔那么棒。

2、两人简单英语情景对话1:Mary:Long time no see.好久不见。Edward:Yeah! Its great running into you again.是啊,又遇到你了,真高兴。

3、二人英语情景对话1 A:Im fed up with marriage.A:我对婚姻压倦透了。B:Why do you say so? Everyone admires that youhave a good wife.B:为什么?每个人都羡慕你有一个好妻子。

4、英语简单两人对话 第一组 Where are you from?你来自哪里?Im from China.我来自中国。How old are you?你多大了?Im twenty years old.我20了。

5、Guess what 你猜怎么的 I have no idea. 我不知道。What does she like 她喜欢什么 I don`t konw. 我不知道。Excuse me. You got a minute 对不起,能耽误你一分钟吗 OK 可以。

6、两人英语情景对话短文带翻译一 拜访 对话 Stevens neighbour Jack comes to visit him,史蒂文的邻居杰克来史蒂文家串门。


两人英语情景对话短文带翻译一 拜访 对话 Stevens neighbour Jack comes to visit him,史蒂文的邻居杰克来史蒂文家串门。

两人英语对话范文1 Jaco: Hi, I am Jaco McGuire. You must be Mr. Simpson. I’m here to pick up your girl Jessica.你好。我是杰克麦奎尔。您肯定是辛普森先生。我是来接您女儿杰西卡的。

两人英语对话带翻译篇1 Bo-Bo:Is Li-Li at home?莉莉在家吗?Li-Li:Yes,come in please.Im expecting you.在家,请进。我在等你呢。Bo-Bo:Lets do our homework together. 我们一起做功课吧。


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